Thursday, December 25, 2008

I'd better get back to it....

...since the Student Ministries Pastor - Eddie- tagged me in his blog, so some of you may come over and check me out.
I am so sorry to be remiss in my is moving too fast, and facebook is my online addiction .

So here's a quick update...the fall was a blur...three birthdays, Thanksgiving, and now Christmas!
The kids are getting more wonderful by the day, and I am trying not to 'mess' them up! I realized the other day that I stink as a parent....that is to say, that I have been trying to manage a job, household, parenting, and marriage on my own lately....
I have not given the time or energy needed to 'fill up' my spiritual tank. I am convicted, but not guilt-ridden (I think). Thank goodness 'His mercies are new every day!'

As I write this, my parents are putting a puzzle together with Izzy and George, and Handel's Messiah is on....
We already heard the Hallelujah Chorus...and we all stood for the whole song!! I love tradition!!

Anyway...sorry for the randomness...I have a 14yo...calling down asking when I'll come "Rock Band" with her!!

God bless you all!


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

happy birthday 'Jim'!

so, today is my husband's birthday.
and I am quite possibly the worst wife on the planet.
well, it took me til about 11a to remember that it was his day.
then I called him and gave him a lame excuse like 'I thought it was the 16th' or some such nonsense....I couldn't even admit that I forgot.

So in honor of Gerald's birthday:
5. he's used to my flakiness
4. he knows I'll make it up to him ;-)
3. he loves my spontaneity (ok I may be making that one up)
2. his integrity and kindness compel him to
1. he loves Jesus and as Christ loves the church, Gerald loves me!

How lucky am I??

Love you babe...looking forward to celebrating many, many more birthdays with you!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

can't hide the truth...

so George is sick. He has strep. I actually cheered a little in the Pediatric Express office...I know I'm weird, but how much better is something that we can give antibiotics to than a dumb old virus that we have to just - "wait it out"...but I digress. I was so tempted to just give him some ibuprofen this morning, and send him to preschool anyway, but I realized that's probably how he got it in the first place..
I called my friend who's been subbing in his class, to tell her he would again be missing a day from preschool and she told me how happy she was that I decided to follow the dictates of the school, and keep him home. Why? Well, wouldn't you know it? One of the girls in the class came up to her this morning and told her that she really had a fever, but her mom had given her Motrin and sent her to school..ouch...
My friend reminded me of something important...a 4 year old can't keep a secret, and teachers really do know EVERYTHING that goes on in my house...yikes.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

for the boys!

a clip of one of the best movies ever!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

my heart aches...

please, please check out Gwenn's blog by clicking on the link below...she has pictures from Haiti...I will warn you they are heartbreaking and may cause you to weep for our brothers and sisters there. Please pray.

The Life and Times of the Mangine Five: Oh, my God shine your light on us

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Do you ever feel invisible??

remember, you are not invisible to HIM...

I love you my sisters!


Friday, August 29, 2008

I know it's been a while...

what can I say? Coming home from Canada, then straight to Haiti, then straight into the start of school, has done a number on me...I promise I will write a more thorough post on my trips soon, but for now, know this:
  • I love my family and miss them terribly.
  • I have discovered that I left part of my heart in Haiti.
  • I am blessed beyond measure.
Well, I'm off to the library with my dearest son....


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I can't sleep...

...I'm excited...yes. But I'm also sick. Please pray that my sinuses clear up since in the next 2 days I'll be going on...let's see...6 flights. That's up and down 12 times! I've got all kinds of drugs along, so I hopefully will be able to breathe and sleep.

One thing I forgot to ask you to pray for/about is my mom and kids. My mom is flying down with me so she can stay with Izzy and George...please pray that they stay healthy, and that Izzy and George will obey and be good helpers.
I'm also thanking my "biddies" in advance for watching out for mom and kiddos! You know who you are! Love you ladies!

Well, I should try for a few more hours of rest...big day tomorrow.

And again, if Gerald, Olivia or I come to mind? Please pray. Thanks.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Parle Creole?

so, its down to 3 days before Haiti, and so I'm counting down my time here in Canada (boo hoo) and counting the days til we are changed forever (Yay!!).
I say I will be changed, because that is my prayer...that Gerald, Olivia and I will be "gloriously ruined" by our visit to Haiti. I want to come back affected - different. I have been trying to prepare....practicing my French and learning Creole. I know that I will not understand a thing at first, but I am told a hug is universal! I am looking forward to loving the kids at the Haitian Children's Home, and getting to know Danny and Leann Pye. I sense that this will not be my first and only trip to Haiti...I don't know what it is, but I am pulled to the ministry there. I feel very strongly about the connection our church has with the HCH, and am so proud to be a part of "the bigger picture".

So having said all that I would ask for your prayer. Our team leaves on Wed. Aug 13th and will be there til Mon. Aug 18th. We will be doing quite a bit of labor there as well as being a part of a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new land the HCH has aquired.

Here's some specific things we would ask you to pray for.
1. that our team
--Jonathan and Adrianne Bow, Keith and Patti Galloway, Dan and Brenda Bakley and their two sons, Jonathan and Matthew, and Gerald, Olivia and I--would bond as a group. That we would all get along, and be patient with each other.

2. that we would maintain the energy and strength needed to do the labor required of us --trimming bushes, distributing gravel and sand to create walkways --

3. that we would bond with the Pye family and all the kids in the HCH.

4. that we would not get sick in Haiti or at home after.

5. that Gerald and I would further our bond with each other by sharing this experience.

6. that Olivia would forever be changed, and that this experience would strengthen her relationship with her Saviour.

7. that all flights and transfers would go smoothly and that Olivia would have no air sickness or fear.

8. most of all we would covet your prayers for protection both physically and spiritually. Please pray Psalm 27 with us!

The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?
When evil men advance against me to devour my flesh,
when my enemies and my foes attack me, they will stumble and fall.
Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me,
even then will I be confident. One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.
For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock.
Then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me; at his tabernacle will I sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will sing and make music to the LORD.
Hear my voice when I call, O LORD; be merciful to me and answer me.
My heart says of you, "Seek his face!" Your face, LORD, I will seek.
Do not hide your face from me, do not turn your servant away in anger; you have been my helper. Do not reject me or forsake me, O God my Savior.
Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me.
Teach me your way, O LORD; lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors.
Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes, for false witnesses rise up against me, breathing out violence.
I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.
Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.
For regular updates check out my pastor's blog
We love you all!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

the countdown is on!

1 day and about 23 hours...
I am so looking forward to our family vacation to Winnipeg!!
The kids and I will be there for 3 weeks, and Gerald will come for the first 10 days...
ahhhh...that is the feeling I get when I think of mom's house (peace), sitting around the house with kids playing, chatting with my sisters and dad's face when we're all around (pure contentment) and my brothers...just plain fun to be around. And how fortunate are we that both our families are in the same town? We get to see cousins from both sides, and grandparents (although, the reality of Ella not being there will be hard).

Anyway....I'm beyond excited! Then right after that we get to go to Haiti!! I'll be keeping you posted on that, 'cause I'll be asking for mega prayer!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

I'm a mess....

I cried through this whole video....

here's mine:
lukewarm Christian
captivated by the world...

Captured by Christ
the lover of my soul

Sunday, July 13, 2008

it's my birthday....

to all my July birthday sisters!
love you girls...
you know who you are.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Life and Times of the Mangine Five: Thoughts on what I saw

if you were wondering about the 'mission' our church is on in regards to Gwenn's blog...(click the link)

The Life and Times of the Mangine Five: Thoughts on what I saw

something to chew on....

From Leann Pye's blog...

I am undone...

Monday, July 7, 2008

has it really been 15 days?

wow, how much can happen in that time?
alot. a lifetime.
I'm sad today. I'm not where I want to be. I have no choice. And that makes me sadder.
Today Gerald's family helped bury his step-mother Ella. She died on July 2. She was only married to Gerald's dad (George) for little over a year. Gerald and I are not there. We are here. In Cary. Because we are trying to become citizens of a country we have grown to love as our own.
Our pastor started a new series on suffering....who knew a year ago when he planned it, that it would resonate so loudly in our community. Jonathan asked our community to write on the walls (covered with butcher paper) our hurt, our suffering. So many people got up.
I am not suffering like some. I have a strong marriage, great kids, no finacial struggles, no past regrets....but I am suffering. My heart is heavy with the weight of being so far from the family I love. What if this had been my mother? My father? What will I do when the time comes for them to go to heaven and I haven't seen them since Christmas? I'm sad. But I'm not without hope. I know I have the hope of the resurrection and I will see Ella again. I will see all my parents again. I have a chance to be more intentional with the people I love that are still here.
I have that choice.
And that makes me happy.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I am NOT but I know I AM... an awesome little book written by Louie Giglio
I read it a couple of years ago, and I am comforted by the thoughts expressed in it.
God is all I ever need.
He is everything I could ever want.
He is comfort, strength, encouragement, hope, joy, He just IS.

Our church is going through some crazy stuff right now...check out some of those blogs beside this page.... so in the midst of the battle we are waging, I find comfort in knowing that...
I am not, but I know I AM...


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

please pray...

for the Pye family
they run the Haitian Children's home that our church loves and supports.
their son Jabez died very suddenly on Tuesday.

please pray also...
for Jonathan and Adrianne and Nick and Gwenn as they fly to Haiti to support and love the Pye's
as of 3pm today, their flight to Port au Prince was cancelled...satan is trying...we need to PRAY!!

If this isn't proof that the spiritual realm is real, and we are at war, I don't know what is.

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
Put on the full armor of God
so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,
but against the rulers, against the authorities,
against the powers of this dark world and
against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Therefore put on the full armor of God,
so that when the day of evil comes,
you may be able to stand your ground,
and after you have done everything, to stand.
Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist,
with the breastplate of righteousness in place,
and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith,
with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."
Ephesians 6 10-18


Monday, June 16, 2008

two highs and a low...

boy, do I have alot to write about....
First is the amazing story of how God is using a group of suburban 'Caryites' to help redeem a generation in Haiti.
Basically, our pastor gave our church a challenge and in one week...well, you'll have to watch it!

All glory goes to God!

Next.. Gerald and I went to Charlotte to take our citizenship test, and yes, we passed! Now we have to just wait for an appointment to take the oath (or in our case - to solemly affirm)
I think the thing I'm most excited about is that I'll be able to vote in November!!! I'll register as unaffiliated...just so I can keep all my options open.
My flag pole is waiting to be hung, and the flag will go up once we have our for it!!!

Lastly, but not least, is the fact that Gerald's dad's wife, Ella, is dying. She has a short time left, and I would covet any prayers you might say for her peace. She is assured of her eternal home, but is struggling with some delusions (the drugs?) We won't be able to get up there before she dies, so the kids sent her notes, and precious and beautiful. I'm so glad I can talk with my kids about death, and how it's NOT the end...just a GLORIOUS BEGINNING!

God is good all the time
All the time God is good


Monday, June 9, 2008

she's growing up too fast...


My eldest.

13 and 1/2 years old.






Loves Jesus.

Graduating from 8th grade.

Entering High School.

God help me.


I want to be the mother that nurtures, challenges, protects and pushes her to be all God has called her to be. If you love her....please pray for her. Pray for me.

and don't worry, Gerald will begin target practice tomorrow...

Friday, June 6, 2008

to us!!

to all my sista's out there!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

my husband...

is quite the man. On Monday (June 2) we celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary...(I know I look far too young to have been married that long!)

I can honestly say that though we've had a good many bumps along the road (moving numerous times, infertility, his melenoma etc...) I have always enjoyed just being with him. I would rather be alone with him than anyone. When we are alone, I remember why I married him. That's why, eventhough our anniversary was on a Monday, we went out. Our pastor has had a great little series on his blog about marriage, and what he says about dating is so true.

Here's some of what I love and like about my hubby:

He's tall. (no matter what size I am, I look 'small' beside him)

He's awesome at saving for the future (it's not everyday I like this, so I thought I'd share it today)

He looks so sexy in a suit...(what can I say, he wore one this morning...and wow...)

He still makes my tummy flip...(see above...I love that feeling!)

He is so patient with the kids, and is surprisingly adept at communicating effectively with all the ages in our house.

I trust him completely. NEVER, have I EVER had any cause to doubt him or his vows to me.

He loves Jesus, and is growing in his faith everyday.

He is probably one of the smartest people I know. Brilliant in fact. (hence the 16 letters that will soon be after his name)

He loves me no matter what my weight or horomonal state...he even still thinks I'm cool is that??

He is all that I have ever hoped for in a husband. I am beyond grateful to the Creator of this universe for allowing me to be his wife.

I'm the most blessed of women.

Love you babe!
Happy Anniversary!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

I should be sleeping...

... but I had a diet Pepsi Max at about noon...and I'm still wired. Not good. Yet good to know it works...It does give me a chance to catch up.
Having a great visit with parents and niece is too cute, and I can honestly say I have seen George and my nephew Nicolas about max 2hours/day. They are constantly playing together, and making a huge mess...but the giggles and all out belly laughs I hear from them is priceless. Put two boys together, though, and say hello to potty-talk....all you moms with more than one son...sorry about that. Poop, fart, fluff, toot... you name it they are saying it.
My fav so far is this:
Nico: "I wish there was a super-hero called Super-Poo-Man! (laughing hysterically- or maniacally) Then he could poo on the bad guys!" more laughing.
George: "Ya Nico, that would be sweet!"

Love watching boys be boys...especially in our society of 'girlie-men'...just want to keep it slightly them use their boy-power for good!


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

not sure...

...I'll have or take a lot of time to blog the next week or so...visitors from Canada will be here!!
although, who knows what shenanigans Georgie and Nico will get into while they're together... a 4yo and 5yo together for 10 days??? Hopefully, there will be no need for an ER visit....

On a cute note...
George: "Are we going to be alone together all day mommy?"
Me: "Yes, son"
George: "SWEET!"

love my son!

Monday, May 19, 2008

trying for balance...

...not sure I'm succeeding. Honestly, I know my job at church is only 10 hours a week, but I am finding myself slightly more stressed than usual. Not sure it actually is the job, or the fact that I don't have the "downtime" I am used to. Add to this the fact that my dear Husband, who has [let's see... (B.Sc., FSA, FCIA, MAAA) what is that...?] 13 letters behind his name!! is studying to add 3 more....[CPA], I have a bit more on my plate than usual. Thank goodness for car pool...a good 15-20 minutes to just read and clear my head. Anyway, not really complaining, just venting a bit.

I am glad that my parents, and sister (and 2 of her kiddos) will be coming in tomorrow for a visit til the 31st...My mom kills my laundry monster, and my dad will be my handy-man on lucky am I???
I also want my bro-in-law to know how much I appreciate him allowing his dear wife to come here. He knows how much we love each other, and by letting Jules come here for 10 days, he is showing his love for his wife. Thanks ChrisP!!

btw...weighed in: down another 1.6lbs...yay me!

Monday, May 12, 2008

first weigh in...

was this morning...I knew I had done pretty well....5.4lbs !!

when you see me smile, tell me I look good, and make sure I'm not stuffing my face because I'm already cocky! This is a journey, a L O N G journey...I know it. But it's a pretty good start.

Thanks to my co horts for their support!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

we're closer than we were

My friend and I had an awesome day today. What she doesn't know yet (but she will once she reads this), is that our friendship has grown to a whole new level.
Let me start from the beginning....

Our dear husbands know that the best Mother's day present we could have, is to have time to kids, just the two of us. Shopping, chatting, you know, girlie stuff. so, this afternoon, we gussied up and hit the town! We went straight to North Hills Do people really have that kind of disposable income? But I digress...we window shopped and chatted and had a relaxing time together. In amongst the boutiques was a store that I shop at a lot. Lane Bryant. The big-girls store. Now here's were our friendship moved to the next level.... I let her see what size I wear! There are only a handful of people in my life that I have ever let see my size and they are all related to me. This truly is a big deal, and I want her to know that I trust her completely, and know that even though she is significantly smaller than me, I didn't feel judged or looked down upon. That's usually a big test for me in friendship. Will the person love me, no matter what size I happen to be?

Anyway... thanks to my awesome husband, Gerald for the gift of the day, and thanks dear friend for the fun we had!!

PS...another girl joined us for dinner tonight, and I think there might be potential for her to become a dear friend too. I'll keep you posted!!

mother's day

so here it is again, a time to reflect on Mothers. I am a fortunate woman. I am a mother of three beautiful children (thanks to my awesome hubby for that!) and I have had the honor of having three women in my life that I have called Mutti, Mum, and Mother.

First, is my own dear mother. Gerlinde. She gave me her name when I was born, and a strong name it is! My mother was and continues to be a force and influence in my life. She shows me what it means to be a wife and mother, and it is because of this that being a nurse was a total fall back job for me. I truly only ever wanted to be a wife and mommy. Here is some of what makes her special:

her baking (her cinnamon buns are the best on the planet.)
her voice - a gorgeous soprano
her style - classic and beautiful
her relationships - family and friends know her as loyal and loving
her faith - she knows her Redeemer lives!
her example - she is always learning and sharing new discoveries about the grace she has
received. I LOVE YOU MUTTI!

Next, is Gerald's mom. Mary. The second I got married, I called her mum. She was an incredible woman, with a story to match. Born in Russia, fleeing with her family while still very young. Raised on a farm in Saskatchewan, working alongside parents to support the family. Meeting a man once, and falling in love with him forever. Raising 5 children of her own, while helping her husband farm....Always, always, praising and thanking God for all He had provided.
She was a great example of the Proverbs 31 wife...she loved her God, her husband and her family. I was 20 years old when I married Gerald, and she loved me as her own from the beginning. I can only hope to be half the mother-in-law to my son's wife as she was to me.
She died beautifully in 2002....but, her legacy lives on...I MISS YOU MUM!
Last, but certainly not least is Ella. Ella married Gerald's dad last year after dating for 3 years!! No need to rush things when you're in your 70's (Gerald's dad was 85). I enjoy calling Ella mother, because she loves it! Ella has never been married and has no children. We Petkau kids get to be hers. I love that! Ella is beautiful, elegant and hilarious! She has brought joy to my father-in-law's life, and to ours. Her faith is strong, and her love and trust of Jesus is an example to me. She is battling cancer right now, and the dignity she has, and the security she has in her future, is inspiring to me. I pray we get to have her as mother, for a very long time.I LOVE YOU MOTHER!
So there you have it. A mutti, a mum and a mother. How lucky can a girl be??

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I'm still here...

I know...where have I been?
Atlanta, GA
Boone, NC....I'm behind at least a week...
Just wanted to get something written down so I could get my groove back...

BTW, I've joined Weight Watchers for the 3rd (and if God tarries) and last time. (I love that statement, 'if God tarries')
ANYWAY...that's it. I'm sick of myself, and the rolls that come with me. I'm officially telling you so I will be held accountable - which I hate-

Interesting note: Each time I've joined, I have been the same weight (within 1 lb.) I guess my body has a "maximum" capacity...(thankgoodness)

Another interesting note: You know you're fat, when you tell your otherwise ultra-frugal husband that you are joining WW again, and he doesn't hesitate....gotta love it!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


is brutal. I am definitely one of those "NEVER SURRENDER!" kind of people...and so when I picked up Kay Warren's book "Dangerous Surrender", it was with trepidation.

Because I know I'm now accountable for all I read...

Years ago, when we were looking for churches in Atlanta, we were told to check out Dr. Charles Stanley's church First Baptist Atlanta...we had never heard of him (or his soon to be "famous" son Andy), so I thought I'd go down to the church library and ask for a tape of one of his messages. "Sure," said the librarian. And then she said the words I'll never forget.

"But remember, you will be accountable for what you hear."

Seriously, I almost dropped the tape, and ran. Those words really struck me. Once I heard the message he preached, I would be accountable to my Heavenly Father for what He said to me through Dr. Stanley.

I've never read a book, or heard a message the same again. I take it pretty seriously. I want to be able to stand in front of God, and say yes, I heard and yes the words changed how I lived. Now don't get me wrong...the blood of Jesus will cover me and my puny life, and it is only by His Grace I will even be allowed to see the face of God...I know this, but I'm pretty sure I can't just go through life hearing and not applying what I hear.

So, having said all that...I'm only on chapter 2 of the book, and I'm stuck. I called my friend Adrianne, and asked her to read the book with me, so I'd have someone else to talk to. I'm honestly scared, but also very excited (you know that rush you get as you're on a rollercoaster? that first "hill"? - not sure if you should vomit, or sqeal with glee?) that's where I'm at.

I know it's going to be awesome, but God help me...


would love to hear from you if you've read the book, or are interested in talking about it...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

40 years...

...and counting.

My parents Peter and Gerlinde Enns, are celebrating 40 years of wedded bliss today!

My dad was a farmer, so to this day we can't figure out why they got married in the middle of spring seeding! I mean, why not before or after? Because of that, their honeymoon was a bit of a whirlwind...a three (or was it four?) day trip from Winnipeg MB to NiagraFalls ON (about 2800 miles roundtrip), so my dad could get back to work...

then there was the fact that my mom was a typical "city-girl" and not used to country living. They lived an hour away from my mom's family (and a tighter group of siblings, you'll never meet), a real hardship for my mom.

A "rocky" start? A recipe for disaster? Maybe for some...BUT NOT THESE TWO!

I can honestly say that other than my parents marriage is a lesson in Love and Respect.

My mom RESPECTS my dad. She showed it (and still does) in a million ways...
...breakfast, lunch and dinner, all prepared on time, just the way he liked it, and taken to the field if needed.
....the house was always picked up and tidy.
....the yard (acres and acres of it) was always well looked after with a huge garden and flowers everywhere.
...we (the kids) were always told how awesome our dad was - he was the best and smartest farmer EVER!
....she never gave cause for my dad to be embarrassed in the community or the church.

My dad LOVES my mom. He showed it in his own way...
....we lived far from the city, gas was expensive (the '70s), the road was gravel...but he never denied her a visit with her family. He knew how important they were to her.
...the early years, he worked in spring/summer/fall on our farm, and come winter often found a job so he could provide for the needs we had.
....he loved watching my mom's vivaciousness, and we would often catch him with a smirk on his face, of course, now I know what that look means!! ;-)

I love my parents....

I'm getting weepy.....


Monday, April 14, 2008

the Lord's prayer...

so Steve Claybrook (our worship pastor) showed us this youtube...
too cute!


Here I raise mine Ebenezer;
hither by thy help I'm come;
and I hope, by thy good pleasure,
safely to arrive at home.
Jesus sought me when a stranger,
wandering from the fold of
God; he, to rescue me from danger,
interposed his precious blood.
—Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

So I went to the Robbie Seay Band at our church last night, and they sang a version of the old hymn "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing" and the line "here I raise mine Ebenezer"
got me thinking...what/who is Ebenezer?? Thanks to Google I found this blog, and its awesome description of the Ebenezer stone....

"Samuel took a large stone and
placed it between the towns of
Mizpah and Jeshanah.
He named it
Ebenezer—"the stone of help"—
for he said,
"Up to this point the Lord
has helped us!"
—1 Samuel 7:12, NLT

"After a long period of sadness and trouble, a consequence of Israel's disobedience, Israel repented under the leadership of a new priest and judge, Samuel. God restored their political security, and the people, for their part, re-committed their hearts and minds to
their Lord. Samuel placed a large stone at the place where this restoration began. He publicly dedicated it as a monument to God's help, God's faithfulness, God's eternal covenant. And as the people got on with their lives, the stone stood there, visible to all who passed that way, a reminder of judgment and repentance, mercy and restoration. The Ebenezer stone represented a fresh beginning, a reversal of course for God's people. It also said something important about God: his mercies are everlasting; his covenant is forever...
Samuel was a wise and godly man with a good idea. He recognized something that's true about human nature—we're forgetful. At Ebenezer, Israel could stand next to that big old rock and remind themselves, 'Yes, we serve a living and faithful God, whose mercies are everlasting.'"
- Charles Lehardy

Do I have an Ebenezer stone in my life? Do I have something I can look at to be reminded that God is faithful? That I'm not who I was?

Paul talks about this in Phillipians:
" I'm not saying that I have this all together,
that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don't get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back." (Phillipians 3:12-14 the Message)

Charles Lehardy talks about a prayer journal being an Ebenezer stone...a journal that you write your requests to God, and then record His answers...a written record of God's faithfulness.

hmmm. I wonder if a blog can count as a journal...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

snip snap snip snap....

"you have no idea the toll 3 vasectomies can have on a person"....

HILARIOUS! Welcome back to the Office!!!

saying thanks...

isn't normally hard for me...I am usually very good at it. It's WRITING thank-you notes, that kills me! I am the absolute worst! I have about 22 thank you cards to write for an incredible group of women, but I'm procrastinating again!! I want so much to express to each woman how much I value them, and what they have meant to me, but it can be quite emotional for me, and that takes NRG! Which I haven't had lately, which is due to the fact that I'm not exercising enough (at all) and I started this great new job, which I love, but I'm trying to get used to "working" again....uuugghh...I'm whining. I hate that.

But I digress... I will tell you this. These ladies that I did life with this last year gave me truly one of the most beautiful presents I've ever gotten. It's an encouragement box, with notes of love and encouragement, that I can read over and over...especially when I'm feeling a bit 'whiny'..

I also got some awesome gift cards (which I LOVE!!) and a gift certificate to the spa...which I love even more!

So I say all this to express my admiration and deep respect to each of these women. You all (and you know who you are) have helped me grow, and stretch in all the best ways. Even though I will not be leading you this next year, I will miss you, and pray for each of you as you come to my thoughts....I love what Paul says to his friend, Philemon:
"I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers,
because I hear about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints.
I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith,
so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.
Your love has given me great joy and encouragement,
because you, [sisters], have refreshed the hearts of the saints."(Philemon 1:4-7)
I love you ladies!!
....and don't worry, I have the thankyou notes out, and am ready to start writing them!!!
(unless some of you would like to give me a free pass!!)

Monday, April 7, 2008

I'm so frustrated...

with myself. I have just had an argument with my 13 year old, and I found myself reacting to her "sass" in kind....I mean why can't I be the adult here? What kind of example am I setting? Am I showing wisdom? Ahhh, wisdom...the elusive trait that we all want. I want to be the kind of mother who is, wise, caring, gracious...but all I am is obnoxious, mean and angry...okay, maybe not that bad, but I feel like a faliure so many times. And what about that voice in my head that screams "You're ruining your kids!" What/who is that voice? I know it's Satan, wanting me to doubt, and feel guilt-ridden and then hopefully just convince me that I'll never measure up anyway, so why try. BUT I SAY NO!! I will not listen! I can gain wisdom, I can care for my kids hearts, and I can extend them grace...
My pastor Jonathan spoke on wisdom this week. Our church is in the middle of a series on it...
I wrote this down to chew on (who knew I would need it already on Monday)

"The pursuit of wisdom begins with recognition of Who God is.
When I recognize who God is, I become more humble.
Humility leads to dependence.
Dependence leads to surrender.
Surrender leads to trust."

He also talked about the verse in
Prov 9:10: "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.."
and that "The the fear of the LORD leads to life" Prov 19:23.

Okay, so based on all this, here's what I'm thinking:

Fear of the Lord > wisdom > humility > dependence > surrender > trust = LIFE!!


now I go and love my kid.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

in the spirit of top 10's...

so every blog I'm reading these days, has some sort of top ten I've decided to add my own.
(I'll be showing my age and my nationality here!)

10. Dave Christian
9. Thomas Steen

8. Dougie Smail

7. Randy Carlyle

6. Dale Hawerchuck

5. Brian Trottier

4. Mark Messier

3. Brendan Shanahan

2. Mario Lemeiux

and of course, I couldn't call myself any sort of Canadian with out my number one pick being:
1.. THE GREAT ONE - Wayne Gretzky!!
(shout out to my bro-in-law Chris who is a crazy/mad Gretz fan!!)

(Now, if you're a hockey lover like me...check out the videos I attached to Mario Lemeiux and Wayne Gretzky...the others are tagged from Wikepedia....)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


once I start on youtube, I can't quit!


you reap what you...


I miss this show!!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

dessert first

...sometimes you just want to...and so, he's eating his dessert first. My son...who clearly inherited his sweet tooth from me, which in turn is inherited from my dad's side of the family...
the Enns clan (you know who you are) LOVE sweets! It's not a get-together without an awesome torte, some sort of chocolate delight, and and /or cookies! I know we're not the only family that is like this, but it brings a smile to my face to think of all the wonderful sweets I've had through the years. Because those treats were brought by my cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents...and I only have the best memories of these people.
I LOVE my family...and that includes my extended family. My parents each have 8 siblings, and each of them married and had on average 3 kids, and each of us cousins have at least 3 you can imagine the numbers of people I'm talking about. Now don't get me wrong, not all is perfect in such a large family....TRUST ME! But when I think about this crazy, (and I'm pretty sure a couple of them are certifiable) fun, wonderful people, I am filled with a sense of security in who I am. They have shaped the person I am today. There are people in my family who's faith has inspired me. There are people in my family who's mistakes have taught me how to love a person, no matter what "they've done". And there are those who have loved me through my own struggles that have taught me what unconditional love truly looks like.

And so now, I look at my life as one who's eaten her dessert dilemma is that I've had a taste of the 'sweet life' do I think I deserve it all the time? Like George, right now, who is NOT wanting to eat his 'healthy' lunch, and wants more ice cream - do I want to avoid the healthy dose of reality that is all around me? Do I think I deserve the life that has been handed to me?
This is a struggle for me....not becoming prideful. Who am I that I should be born in Canada, to wonderful Christian parents, who only showed me love? I am no better than the woman born in Africa, only to be sold into slavery, and all the horror that brings...

I'm not claiming to have the answers yet, but I am eager to learn, to grow, and to finally share the dessert I've been given.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


are coming! If you're a coupon girl, you'll know what I mean.
If you're not, well, it means that this week, Harris Teeter (our grocer) will be accepting manufacturer's coupons, and TRIPLE their face value, up to $0.99! So a $0.50 coupon would now be worth $1.50!

Problem you already know I'm a procrastinator, and so I'm trying to get my coupons organized asap, so I can be ready to go on Thursday!? HELP! Things that force me to be organized are my least favorite things!

Oh well, we'll see how much money I can save.... I'll let you know!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

I'm tired...

...but happy. Our church started a new chapter this week. We went to 3 services! We start at 8:45, then 10:15, then 11:45. As one of the newest members of the Preschool team, I didn't know what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised. We had all our volunteers show up (some where late, but who's complaining). The other surprise was how many kids showed up for the third service! We weren't expecting it, but wow! God is good.

Bottom line....our church is growing and God is taking us on a wild ride!

Happy Easter!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday...

So, today we remember. He suffered. He died.

What do I do with that? Over 2000 years later, sitting in my comfortable home in a country halfway around the world from where He was?

I paint Easter eggs with my kids, my husband has the day off, I wish my family was here...but what do I do with the knowledge that the Son of God came to be my scapegoat? my atonement?

My ladies biblestudy is just finishing up a study of the Old Testament Tabernacle (A woman's heart God's dwelling place)...and the amount of blood shed over and over again for every sin the Israelites committed is astounding.

Hebrews 9:21+22 - "In the same way, [Moses] sprinkled with the blood both the tabernacle and everything used in its ceremonies. In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness."

That's a lot of blood. I'm not trying to be morbid here, but I am just thinking about how much Jesus' sacrifice saved us from....saved me from....

Worthy is the Lamb!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

they make me laugh...

Brits...British humor especially...there is an intelligent silliness in a lot of British humor.
And let's be honest their accent is awesome!

Two of my favorites:
the Vicar of Dibley a BBC - a series that has a woman playing the new vicar (pastor) to a small-town church...some things a bit on the edge, but overall good for a laugh. Especially her friend Alice!
Mr. Bean who doesn't love Rowan Atkinson!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I think....

...we're on the mend. Izzy's off at school, George is bopping around the house (I should have sent him to school) and I'm not hurting in so many places. Hallelujah!

So today is catch up day. Mail mostly...seriously, I'm drowning in it! I remember as a kid thinking I could hardly wait til I would get my own mail....oh, what a naive child I was...
I know the "touch it once" rule...the problem is the stuff you can't deal with right then, but need to deal with in the future. A magazine here, a catalogue there...and then there's school papers...the bane of my existence. Every sheet of paper that comes home from school needs to be looked at. A cute story, homework, letter from PTA, note from the teacher, "read it and throw it away", you say?? Ha...I'm the queen of telling my kids how much I love the story they wrote, or the picture they drew, as I'm throwing it away, but you can't do that to everything - can you? Some letters have "dates to remember", upcoming events to know about, what do I do with those? Get organized? Have a calendar nearby to write everything on? Oh, I have a million ideas. The problem is this: I procrastinate. Kind of what I'm doing now...writing about catching up, but not actually doing it now.

Oh well, I'll deal with it all later...
the book I'm reading is calling my name.

Monday, March 17, 2008

it's official...

...I'm going crazy. I took George in to the Dr. and yes, he does, in fact have the flu.
I still feel stinky, and Izzy isn't 100%... of course, that didn't stop me from sending her to school for a half day...poor thing. But really, she's on Tamiflu and Zythromax, so she won't be spreading anything around. And to top everything off, I have not been the nicest mama to my poor son:
He came running to me on the couch (I was napping) and knee'd me in the stomach...I cried, then I whisper mom's know what I mean, when you're so past it, you know you will say horrible you whisper. Poor boy, he was just coming to kiss me. In fact, about 20 minutes later, this sick, sweet 4 yearold came up to me and said, "sorry mama, for hurting your tummy, I love you"
....why don't you knife me in the heart already!!!

So now, not only do I feel physically sick, I'm emotionally drained as well. WILL I EVER GET THIS RIGHT??? I am again, in need of grace...healing, forgiving, undeserved grace. I'm reminded of an hymn we used to sing in the church I grew up in...

"Marvelous grace of our loving Lord,
Grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt;
Yonder on Calvary's mount out-poured,
There where the blood of the Lamb was spilt.
Grace, grace, God's grace,
Grace that will pardon and cleanse within;
Grace, grace, God's grace,
Well, I'm off to put my babies to bed, and ask for forgiveness...
by His Grace....

Sunday, March 16, 2008


now George is sick...He is hot, I mean really, really hot. I have zero working thermometers in the house right now...batteries all dead. But when you can feel your hand burning when you touch your son, his fever is pretty high. So far Motrin and Tylenol have worked somewhat, but I think he and I will be making a trek to the urgent care tomorrow...Gerald and Olivia are both avoiding us sickos like the plague...seriously, Gerald won't touch anything any of us have touched unless a Clorox wipe has been used in between.

I've done more laundry today than I care to remember, thankfully Olivia and I have officially made a contract for her to do the dishes and fold laundry on a regular basis (we'll see how that goes).

I need to go and make my bed, hopefully cleaning all the sheets will have killed all the "bugs"!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

the flu...

stinks! I feel awful! I mean, I ache in places I haven't felt in years! and my cough hurts!

My hubby slept in a different room last night, and our bedroom has become the "sick" room.
Olivia, is walking around the house with clorox wipes (God bless her) tracing the steps Izzy and I have made.

I've decided (again) that I'd better die quickly...I'm positive I would be a miserable dying person. When I read or hear of people who are gracious as they are dying, I am amazed at the strength they must be the prayers of the people around them. ...
'Cause it can't be anything but Supernatural...

So, I'm not dying, but I am miserable...pray for me...pray for my family...pray that Gerald doesn't decide to follow through with my request to just "put me out of my misery".

Friday, March 14, 2008

waiting for the other shoe...

to drop.

I've kept George home..just in case he gets the flu from Izzy. I'm starting to cough, and worry about my own symptoms...I'm becoming a hypochondriac. I should just get up from this computer and DO the laundry that is beeping at me, but procrastination is my middle name.

What is it about putting off the inevitable? I mean so many times you hear that you should:
1. enjoy your kids while they're young,
2. play hard, life is short,
3. on your death bed you won't care how hard you worked, etc...

BUT...if I ignore the daily drudgery ( I mean laundry...) I'll be on the show "How Clean is Your House?"

Here's my struggle...I want to be Mary, but I have to be Martha or my family will expire under the filth!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I've tried this before...

but I want to try again. I think a blog is a great way to keep a journal of one's life...the only dilemna is, do I share EVERYTHING?? Well, we'll see. but my friend Gwenn has inspired me....

So I get a call today from teacher of daughter #2...seems she has a fever of 103.2.

1. She's on her way home with other carpool mom...

2. I know I have to get her to urgent care to check for the flu....

3. now, I'm trying to figure out what to do with son...

4. daughter #1 is not home to babysit...and we have to be at her school for a meeting..

5. hubby is waiting to be picked up at his office b/c our van is in the shop...


1.neighbor takes son, and offers to feed him dinner

2. another neighbor (works at same company as hubby) offers to drive him home

3. urgent care not busy, and we get right in....but she not only has the flu, she has pnemonia as well....great.

4. we make it to the meeting at school...

Now, I know that I didn't pray once during that whole "drama" but I am grateful and humbled by the generousity of my neighbors....and how God used them to care for me and my family.

That, and the fact that Izzy waited til I left for the meeting with Olivia to vomit.......