Wednesday, April 23, 2008


is brutal. I am definitely one of those "NEVER SURRENDER!" kind of people...and so when I picked up Kay Warren's book "Dangerous Surrender", it was with trepidation.

Because I know I'm now accountable for all I read...

Years ago, when we were looking for churches in Atlanta, we were told to check out Dr. Charles Stanley's church First Baptist Atlanta...we had never heard of him (or his soon to be "famous" son Andy), so I thought I'd go down to the church library and ask for a tape of one of his messages. "Sure," said the librarian. And then she said the words I'll never forget.

"But remember, you will be accountable for what you hear."

Seriously, I almost dropped the tape, and ran. Those words really struck me. Once I heard the message he preached, I would be accountable to my Heavenly Father for what He said to me through Dr. Stanley.

I've never read a book, or heard a message the same again. I take it pretty seriously. I want to be able to stand in front of God, and say yes, I heard and yes the words changed how I lived. Now don't get me wrong...the blood of Jesus will cover me and my puny life, and it is only by His Grace I will even be allowed to see the face of God...I know this, but I'm pretty sure I can't just go through life hearing and not applying what I hear.

So, having said all that...I'm only on chapter 2 of the book, and I'm stuck. I called my friend Adrianne, and asked her to read the book with me, so I'd have someone else to talk to. I'm honestly scared, but also very excited (you know that rush you get as you're on a rollercoaster? that first "hill"? - not sure if you should vomit, or sqeal with glee?) that's where I'm at.

I know it's going to be awesome, but God help me...


would love to hear from you if you've read the book, or are interested in talking about it...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

40 years...

...and counting.

My parents Peter and Gerlinde Enns, are celebrating 40 years of wedded bliss today!

My dad was a farmer, so to this day we can't figure out why they got married in the middle of spring seeding! I mean, why not before or after? Because of that, their honeymoon was a bit of a whirlwind...a three (or was it four?) day trip from Winnipeg MB to NiagraFalls ON (about 2800 miles roundtrip), so my dad could get back to work...

then there was the fact that my mom was a typical "city-girl" and not used to country living. They lived an hour away from my mom's family (and a tighter group of siblings, you'll never meet), a real hardship for my mom.

A "rocky" start? A recipe for disaster? Maybe for some...BUT NOT THESE TWO!

I can honestly say that other than my parents marriage is a lesson in Love and Respect.

My mom RESPECTS my dad. She showed it (and still does) in a million ways...
...breakfast, lunch and dinner, all prepared on time, just the way he liked it, and taken to the field if needed.
....the house was always picked up and tidy.
....the yard (acres and acres of it) was always well looked after with a huge garden and flowers everywhere.
...we (the kids) were always told how awesome our dad was - he was the best and smartest farmer EVER!
....she never gave cause for my dad to be embarrassed in the community or the church.

My dad LOVES my mom. He showed it in his own way...
....we lived far from the city, gas was expensive (the '70s), the road was gravel...but he never denied her a visit with her family. He knew how important they were to her.
...the early years, he worked in spring/summer/fall on our farm, and come winter often found a job so he could provide for the needs we had.
....he loved watching my mom's vivaciousness, and we would often catch him with a smirk on his face, of course, now I know what that look means!! ;-)

I love my parents....

I'm getting weepy.....


Monday, April 14, 2008

the Lord's prayer...

so Steve Claybrook (our worship pastor) showed us this youtube...
too cute!


Here I raise mine Ebenezer;
hither by thy help I'm come;
and I hope, by thy good pleasure,
safely to arrive at home.
Jesus sought me when a stranger,
wandering from the fold of
God; he, to rescue me from danger,
interposed his precious blood.
—Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

So I went to the Robbie Seay Band at our church last night, and they sang a version of the old hymn "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing" and the line "here I raise mine Ebenezer"
got me thinking...what/who is Ebenezer?? Thanks to Google I found this blog, and its awesome description of the Ebenezer stone....

"Samuel took a large stone and
placed it between the towns of
Mizpah and Jeshanah.
He named it
Ebenezer—"the stone of help"—
for he said,
"Up to this point the Lord
has helped us!"
—1 Samuel 7:12, NLT

"After a long period of sadness and trouble, a consequence of Israel's disobedience, Israel repented under the leadership of a new priest and judge, Samuel. God restored their political security, and the people, for their part, re-committed their hearts and minds to
their Lord. Samuel placed a large stone at the place where this restoration began. He publicly dedicated it as a monument to God's help, God's faithfulness, God's eternal covenant. And as the people got on with their lives, the stone stood there, visible to all who passed that way, a reminder of judgment and repentance, mercy and restoration. The Ebenezer stone represented a fresh beginning, a reversal of course for God's people. It also said something important about God: his mercies are everlasting; his covenant is forever...
Samuel was a wise and godly man with a good idea. He recognized something that's true about human nature—we're forgetful. At Ebenezer, Israel could stand next to that big old rock and remind themselves, 'Yes, we serve a living and faithful God, whose mercies are everlasting.'"
- Charles Lehardy

Do I have an Ebenezer stone in my life? Do I have something I can look at to be reminded that God is faithful? That I'm not who I was?

Paul talks about this in Phillipians:
" I'm not saying that I have this all together,
that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don't get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back." (Phillipians 3:12-14 the Message)

Charles Lehardy talks about a prayer journal being an Ebenezer stone...a journal that you write your requests to God, and then record His answers...a written record of God's faithfulness.

hmmm. I wonder if a blog can count as a journal...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

snip snap snip snap....

"you have no idea the toll 3 vasectomies can have on a person"....

HILARIOUS! Welcome back to the Office!!!

saying thanks...

isn't normally hard for me...I am usually very good at it. It's WRITING thank-you notes, that kills me! I am the absolute worst! I have about 22 thank you cards to write for an incredible group of women, but I'm procrastinating again!! I want so much to express to each woman how much I value them, and what they have meant to me, but it can be quite emotional for me, and that takes NRG! Which I haven't had lately, which is due to the fact that I'm not exercising enough (at all) and I started this great new job, which I love, but I'm trying to get used to "working" again....uuugghh...I'm whining. I hate that.

But I digress... I will tell you this. These ladies that I did life with this last year gave me truly one of the most beautiful presents I've ever gotten. It's an encouragement box, with notes of love and encouragement, that I can read over and over...especially when I'm feeling a bit 'whiny'..

I also got some awesome gift cards (which I LOVE!!) and a gift certificate to the spa...which I love even more!

So I say all this to express my admiration and deep respect to each of these women. You all (and you know who you are) have helped me grow, and stretch in all the best ways. Even though I will not be leading you this next year, I will miss you, and pray for each of you as you come to my thoughts....I love what Paul says to his friend, Philemon:
"I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers,
because I hear about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints.
I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith,
so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.
Your love has given me great joy and encouragement,
because you, [sisters], have refreshed the hearts of the saints."(Philemon 1:4-7)
I love you ladies!!
....and don't worry, I have the thankyou notes out, and am ready to start writing them!!!
(unless some of you would like to give me a free pass!!)

Monday, April 7, 2008

I'm so frustrated...

with myself. I have just had an argument with my 13 year old, and I found myself reacting to her "sass" in kind....I mean why can't I be the adult here? What kind of example am I setting? Am I showing wisdom? Ahhh, wisdom...the elusive trait that we all want. I want to be the kind of mother who is, wise, caring, gracious...but all I am is obnoxious, mean and angry...okay, maybe not that bad, but I feel like a faliure so many times. And what about that voice in my head that screams "You're ruining your kids!" What/who is that voice? I know it's Satan, wanting me to doubt, and feel guilt-ridden and then hopefully just convince me that I'll never measure up anyway, so why try. BUT I SAY NO!! I will not listen! I can gain wisdom, I can care for my kids hearts, and I can extend them grace...
My pastor Jonathan spoke on wisdom this week. Our church is in the middle of a series on it...
I wrote this down to chew on (who knew I would need it already on Monday)

"The pursuit of wisdom begins with recognition of Who God is.
When I recognize who God is, I become more humble.
Humility leads to dependence.
Dependence leads to surrender.
Surrender leads to trust."

He also talked about the verse in
Prov 9:10: "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.."
and that "The the fear of the LORD leads to life" Prov 19:23.

Okay, so based on all this, here's what I'm thinking:

Fear of the Lord > wisdom > humility > dependence > surrender > trust = LIFE!!


now I go and love my kid.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

in the spirit of top 10's...

so every blog I'm reading these days, has some sort of top ten I've decided to add my own.
(I'll be showing my age and my nationality here!)

10. Dave Christian
9. Thomas Steen

8. Dougie Smail

7. Randy Carlyle

6. Dale Hawerchuck

5. Brian Trottier

4. Mark Messier

3. Brendan Shanahan

2. Mario Lemeiux

and of course, I couldn't call myself any sort of Canadian with out my number one pick being:
1.. THE GREAT ONE - Wayne Gretzky!!
(shout out to my bro-in-law Chris who is a crazy/mad Gretz fan!!)

(Now, if you're a hockey lover like me...check out the videos I attached to Mario Lemeiux and Wayne Gretzky...the others are tagged from Wikepedia....)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


once I start on youtube, I can't quit!


you reap what you...


I miss this show!!