Wednesday, September 17, 2008

happy birthday 'Jim'!

so, today is my husband's birthday.
and I am quite possibly the worst wife on the planet.
well, it took me til about 11a to remember that it was his day.
then I called him and gave him a lame excuse like 'I thought it was the 16th' or some such nonsense....I couldn't even admit that I forgot.

So in honor of Gerald's birthday:
5. he's used to my flakiness
4. he knows I'll make it up to him ;-)
3. he loves my spontaneity (ok I may be making that one up)
2. his integrity and kindness compel him to
1. he loves Jesus and as Christ loves the church, Gerald loves me!

How lucky am I??

Love you babe...looking forward to celebrating many, many more birthdays with you!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

can't hide the truth...

so George is sick. He has strep. I actually cheered a little in the Pediatric Express office...I know I'm weird, but how much better is something that we can give antibiotics to than a dumb old virus that we have to just - "wait it out"...but I digress. I was so tempted to just give him some ibuprofen this morning, and send him to preschool anyway, but I realized that's probably how he got it in the first place..
I called my friend who's been subbing in his class, to tell her he would again be missing a day from preschool and she told me how happy she was that I decided to follow the dictates of the school, and keep him home. Why? Well, wouldn't you know it? One of the girls in the class came up to her this morning and told her that she really had a fever, but her mom had given her Motrin and sent her to school..ouch...
My friend reminded me of something important...a 4 year old can't keep a secret, and teachers really do know EVERYTHING that goes on in my house...yikes.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

for the boys!

a clip of one of the best movies ever!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

my heart aches...

please, please check out Gwenn's blog by clicking on the link below...she has pictures from Haiti...I will warn you they are heartbreaking and may cause you to weep for our brothers and sisters there. Please pray.

The Life and Times of the Mangine Five: Oh, my God shine your light on us

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Do you ever feel invisible??

remember, you are not invisible to HIM...

I love you my sisters!
