Thursday, December 25, 2008

I'd better get back to it....

...since the Student Ministries Pastor - Eddie- tagged me in his blog, so some of you may come over and check me out.
I am so sorry to be remiss in my is moving too fast, and facebook is my online addiction .

So here's a quick update...the fall was a blur...three birthdays, Thanksgiving, and now Christmas!
The kids are getting more wonderful by the day, and I am trying not to 'mess' them up! I realized the other day that I stink as a parent....that is to say, that I have been trying to manage a job, household, parenting, and marriage on my own lately....
I have not given the time or energy needed to 'fill up' my spiritual tank. I am convicted, but not guilt-ridden (I think). Thank goodness 'His mercies are new every day!'

As I write this, my parents are putting a puzzle together with Izzy and George, and Handel's Messiah is on....
We already heard the Hallelujah Chorus...and we all stood for the whole song!! I love tradition!!

Anyway...sorry for the randomness...I have a 14yo...calling down asking when I'll come "Rock Band" with her!!

God bless you all!
