Thursday, May 29, 2008

I should be sleeping...

... but I had a diet Pepsi Max at about noon...and I'm still wired. Not good. Yet good to know it works...It does give me a chance to catch up.
Having a great visit with parents and niece is too cute, and I can honestly say I have seen George and my nephew Nicolas about max 2hours/day. They are constantly playing together, and making a huge mess...but the giggles and all out belly laughs I hear from them is priceless. Put two boys together, though, and say hello to potty-talk....all you moms with more than one son...sorry about that. Poop, fart, fluff, toot... you name it they are saying it.
My fav so far is this:
Nico: "I wish there was a super-hero called Super-Poo-Man! (laughing hysterically- or maniacally) Then he could poo on the bad guys!" more laughing.
George: "Ya Nico, that would be sweet!"

Love watching boys be boys...especially in our society of 'girlie-men'...just want to keep it slightly them use their boy-power for good!


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

not sure...

...I'll have or take a lot of time to blog the next week or so...visitors from Canada will be here!!
although, who knows what shenanigans Georgie and Nico will get into while they're together... a 4yo and 5yo together for 10 days??? Hopefully, there will be no need for an ER visit....

On a cute note...
George: "Are we going to be alone together all day mommy?"
Me: "Yes, son"
George: "SWEET!"

love my son!

Monday, May 19, 2008

trying for balance...

...not sure I'm succeeding. Honestly, I know my job at church is only 10 hours a week, but I am finding myself slightly more stressed than usual. Not sure it actually is the job, or the fact that I don't have the "downtime" I am used to. Add to this the fact that my dear Husband, who has [let's see... (B.Sc., FSA, FCIA, MAAA) what is that...?] 13 letters behind his name!! is studying to add 3 more....[CPA], I have a bit more on my plate than usual. Thank goodness for car pool...a good 15-20 minutes to just read and clear my head. Anyway, not really complaining, just venting a bit.

I am glad that my parents, and sister (and 2 of her kiddos) will be coming in tomorrow for a visit til the 31st...My mom kills my laundry monster, and my dad will be my handy-man on lucky am I???
I also want my bro-in-law to know how much I appreciate him allowing his dear wife to come here. He knows how much we love each other, and by letting Jules come here for 10 days, he is showing his love for his wife. Thanks ChrisP!!

btw...weighed in: down another 1.6lbs...yay me!

Monday, May 12, 2008

first weigh in...

was this morning...I knew I had done pretty well....5.4lbs !!

when you see me smile, tell me I look good, and make sure I'm not stuffing my face because I'm already cocky! This is a journey, a L O N G journey...I know it. But it's a pretty good start.

Thanks to my co horts for their support!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

we're closer than we were

My friend and I had an awesome day today. What she doesn't know yet (but she will once she reads this), is that our friendship has grown to a whole new level.
Let me start from the beginning....

Our dear husbands know that the best Mother's day present we could have, is to have time to kids, just the two of us. Shopping, chatting, you know, girlie stuff. so, this afternoon, we gussied up and hit the town! We went straight to North Hills Do people really have that kind of disposable income? But I digress...we window shopped and chatted and had a relaxing time together. In amongst the boutiques was a store that I shop at a lot. Lane Bryant. The big-girls store. Now here's were our friendship moved to the next level.... I let her see what size I wear! There are only a handful of people in my life that I have ever let see my size and they are all related to me. This truly is a big deal, and I want her to know that I trust her completely, and know that even though she is significantly smaller than me, I didn't feel judged or looked down upon. That's usually a big test for me in friendship. Will the person love me, no matter what size I happen to be?

Anyway... thanks to my awesome husband, Gerald for the gift of the day, and thanks dear friend for the fun we had!!

PS...another girl joined us for dinner tonight, and I think there might be potential for her to become a dear friend too. I'll keep you posted!!

mother's day

so here it is again, a time to reflect on Mothers. I am a fortunate woman. I am a mother of three beautiful children (thanks to my awesome hubby for that!) and I have had the honor of having three women in my life that I have called Mutti, Mum, and Mother.

First, is my own dear mother. Gerlinde. She gave me her name when I was born, and a strong name it is! My mother was and continues to be a force and influence in my life. She shows me what it means to be a wife and mother, and it is because of this that being a nurse was a total fall back job for me. I truly only ever wanted to be a wife and mommy. Here is some of what makes her special:

her baking (her cinnamon buns are the best on the planet.)
her voice - a gorgeous soprano
her style - classic and beautiful
her relationships - family and friends know her as loyal and loving
her faith - she knows her Redeemer lives!
her example - she is always learning and sharing new discoveries about the grace she has
received. I LOVE YOU MUTTI!

Next, is Gerald's mom. Mary. The second I got married, I called her mum. She was an incredible woman, with a story to match. Born in Russia, fleeing with her family while still very young. Raised on a farm in Saskatchewan, working alongside parents to support the family. Meeting a man once, and falling in love with him forever. Raising 5 children of her own, while helping her husband farm....Always, always, praising and thanking God for all He had provided.
She was a great example of the Proverbs 31 wife...she loved her God, her husband and her family. I was 20 years old when I married Gerald, and she loved me as her own from the beginning. I can only hope to be half the mother-in-law to my son's wife as she was to me.
She died beautifully in 2002....but, her legacy lives on...I MISS YOU MUM!
Last, but certainly not least is Ella. Ella married Gerald's dad last year after dating for 3 years!! No need to rush things when you're in your 70's (Gerald's dad was 85). I enjoy calling Ella mother, because she loves it! Ella has never been married and has no children. We Petkau kids get to be hers. I love that! Ella is beautiful, elegant and hilarious! She has brought joy to my father-in-law's life, and to ours. Her faith is strong, and her love and trust of Jesus is an example to me. She is battling cancer right now, and the dignity she has, and the security she has in her future, is inspiring to me. I pray we get to have her as mother, for a very long time.I LOVE YOU MOTHER!
So there you have it. A mutti, a mum and a mother. How lucky can a girl be??

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I'm still here...

I know...where have I been?
Atlanta, GA
Boone, NC....I'm behind at least a week...
Just wanted to get something written down so I could get my groove back...

BTW, I've joined Weight Watchers for the 3rd (and if God tarries) and last time. (I love that statement, 'if God tarries')
ANYWAY...that's it. I'm sick of myself, and the rolls that come with me. I'm officially telling you so I will be held accountable - which I hate-

Interesting note: Each time I've joined, I have been the same weight (within 1 lb.) I guess my body has a "maximum" capacity...(thankgoodness)

Another interesting note: You know you're fat, when you tell your otherwise ultra-frugal husband that you are joining WW again, and he doesn't hesitate....gotta love it!