Saturday, January 24, 2009

25 things you may not know about me...

so this is making it's way around facebook...I thought I'd post mine here...

1. I was born in the "Summer of '69" -

2. I was raised on a was sweet.

3. I went to an elementary school with 15 other kids...grades 1-6. I only had 2 other kids in my "class"

4. One of the boys in my elem class gave me a 'rookie' Wayne Gretzky hockey card, which, had I not thrown it out would be worth...$80,000.00!! (he'd written of his undying love on the card, so it might not be worth quite as much...)

5. I am a complete and utter control freak!

6. I've been the "big girl" my whole life.

7. I talk too much...and that gets me into trouble.


9. I have a travel bug, and am always planning at least 2 - 3 trips ahead

10. Right now I have at least 6 trips planned for 2009...

11. I'm turning 40 this year.

12. I'm VERY EXCITED to be 40. Maybe I'll start to take myself serious, and grow up a bit.

13. I'll be celebrating my 19th wedding anniversary with Gerald in June. We have worked very hard at our relationship.

14. About 9 years ago, I was contemplating leaving the was a very bad time...infertility, miscarriages, workaholic husband, spiritually dead ... I call that time my desert experience.... I learned a lot.

15. I've learned that God is in all my matter how wretched they are.

16. I am a member of Weight Watchers ( for the 3rd time) and don't plan on gaining this weight back ever again!!

17. 27.5 lbs and counting!!

18. I would love, love, love to have plastic surgery once I've lost all my weight... I'm vain, I know...

19. Don't ever tell me that I "can't" do something...'cause I will.

20. I get ticked off when I feel out of control.

21. I've struggled with rebellion my whole life....I don't know why.

22. I've always wanted to see a counselor about that..

23. I read the book of James this morning...I got a bit of a butt whoopin'...

24. see #7 and #8

25. The last words I want to say in this life are...." It is well with my soul"...

now it's your turn!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All of this makes you the incredible person we know and love.